Check Up

We went today for Ava's 2 year check up - it lasted all of 10 minutes, so that was nice! She is 33lbs. & 3 ft. tall! She is just perfect all around & everything looked good. Talking a mile-a-minute of course (he asked if her vocabulary was between 2 and 50 words...I said try 250 words, ha). Still eating pretty good, she's a little picky, but at least she eats! Sleeping WONDERFULLY in her big-girl bed & loving the freedom of randomly walking around when she's not really tired (today I found her in her closet trying on her shoes during "naptime" least she was doing something productive :) She has become the best helper around here - she'll pick up anything you tell her to & loves to run things around the house for us (gotta use that child-labor while she's willing to do it for free, haha)! She has also become quite outspoken on what she wears-she'll let me know if she doesn't like it or if she wants different shoes or a different bow - none of which I mind a bit, I must encourage my little budding fashionista!!She is just the best kid ever & we are enjoying every minute with her!
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