How We Spent Our Summer...

Here's a nod to all you teachers out there, just getting back into the swing of things...

Playing of our new FAVORITE things to do!

Going to Playgroup on Fridays!

Going swimming!

Having play-dates with friends!

Going to VBS & helping "clean-up" (as you can see above)

Trying out new accessories & adding to our wardrobes!

Trying to catch the moon...

Enjoying many an evening sitting on the front porch...
There you have it folks - summer's already gone & we spent all of it doing whatever we wanted! Now, bring on the nice fall weather & some WOOOOOOOOOOOO PIG SOOIE - Razorback Football!


  1. that picture with the moon is SO ADORABLE!!!!!

  2. Those are all so cute! You do such a good job of keeping her schedule fun and interesting!

  3. LOVE LOVE the picture with her Dad, her in the hat & him in the glasses! LOVE the one of her in her rocking chair, too! Such a sweet girl!

  4. Looks like ya'll had a great summer!!! I can't believe it's already over. Where in the world does the time go???


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