As most of you know, my sister (Ashlee) now lives in Denver, CO. She won't be able to make it home for Thanksgiving or Christmas due to her work schedule... but she did pop in for a little visit this past weekend!! We've never picked her up at the airport before (there is usually a line of people jumping at the chance, since her visits are few & far between :), but she requested that Ava & I go pick her up last Friday! It is all Ava could talk about on the way down to the airport, "Ashes come home! Ashes come on an airplane!" She was so excited not only to see Ashlee, but to see the airplanes, too! Much to our dismay, though - there weren't that many to be seen. Ashes' plane was a little delayed, so we decided to walk outside & try to find a plane for that sweet baby girl to see....

Um, yeah - this was it. It was kind of piddly, but she was excited all the same. When we went back inside, we went into the restaurant by the gates & could actually see the big planes - she kept saying "Ashes here! That her plane!"

texted me when they landed, so I knew to be watching for her. When Ava caught a glimpse of her, her face lit up & off she went - running to give her a big hug! We got all her stuff & crammed it into my Tahoe (you would've thought she was moving back home with all the junk she brought :) & then went & lunched on the patio at
Bosco's. Let me just start setting the scene for you now...I had already started with the sinus/allergy crud a few days before - I think sitting outside on the patio stirred everything up. After lunching & walking a little in the River Market we went up to my Mom's work for a little B-Day celebration. We of course brought some
delish organic cupcakes from Cupcakes on
Kavenaugh to celebrate properly!

Here's Ava & Gigi :)

Here's Ava enjoying her organic cupcake, too! We had a good time getting to visit for a minute & then headed to the mall to get a few things & then started home. On the way home, it really hit me - I was really starting to not feel good at all. We made it back home & then went over to my parents rent house to hang out until my Mom got home (we were all going to have her B-Day dinner)...I just couldn't take it any more. I bailed - I was sick & all I wanted to do was get home & into my comfort zone to lie lifelessly until I felt better. I got home & luckily D. was already here. Let's just say things didn't go so well & I will be just fine if I
never eat garlic fries again. Saturday I felt a little better & then woke up Sunday with the sickie's again - ugh! It is beyond annoying being sick. I not only missed Sunday Morning Worship, but also my M-I-L's B-Day celebration! On all weekends to be sick -
why this one?! With all the celebrating & cake & such?! D.Might & Ava went after services to celebrate with all of them - and Ava told me
all about it! She was so sweaty when she got home, she must have played pretty hard out at Mimi's!! I am happy to say I am much better now & didn't even seek out any medical attention - look at me being all tough!! :)

Ashlee & Gig headed out for Washington, D.C. today - I think they're going to try to get a pic with President Bush before he moves. They came over last night to bring Ava a shirt - my sister always wears the Oxford style shirts from Ralph Lauren & couldn't resist getting Ava one to match hers! Maybe next time Ashes will bring her a pearl necklace to really finish off the look ;)

In other news - Strong Like Man played a team last night that actually plays in the National
SLM was defeated - need I say more?...
well first let me say it is about time you updated your page!! kiddin! i hate you got sick and glad you are feeling better!!!love the update and hope the visit went well!! love ya~toaras
ReplyDeleteSounds like ya'll had a good time, aside from getting sick of course!
ReplyDeleteApril.. I'm sorry you were so sick! It's so hard when mommies get sick! Your sis is gorgeous!! I'm glad Ava added something pink to her wardrobe.. ya know she doesn't have much.. ha! Take care.
ReplyDeleteSick huh?!? Could there be another Mathis in the oven?? J/K Glad your feeling better :)
ReplyDeleteIn response to Nicole....
ReplyDeleteuh, NO - we are happy as we are :)
Ok now.....Were did I go????? :)
ReplyDeleteAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW i bet you had a hard time deciding which pink picture to put up!! BAHAHHAHAHAHA I LOOK AT MINE AND LAUGH OUT LOUD!!! LOVE YOU MISS YOU ALREADY!!