Clean-Up : Run-In : Tag
This past Saturday, we headed up North to help my Grandparents get things back in order after the ice storm that hit a few weeks ago.
Of course, we couldn't really starting working until after we had lunch.... sandwiches, you might presume? Ninner wouldn't hear of such nonsense!!! We had chicken strips, goo-lash, potato casserole, green beans, pinto beans, cornbread, biscuits, gravy, Nin's special soup, chocolate surprise cupcakes, and filled cookies - yes, it was delish to say the least.
We were all ready to get to work after that!
All of these trees that lined the driveway had to be cut down due to the damage. It doesn't even look the same & it sure won't come spring!
I digress...
This was as far as we could get the door open.
I can remember a time when my Ninner had some say on what goes in here & it was just her car! I can see why she just threw her hands up after awhile - look at all that JUNK!
I can guarantee my Papa has already been through all of this & confiscated things he deemed salvageable....
* I got a phone call giving me the heads up, Pop! I knew I should've loaded it all up & brought it back here to dispose of, haha!! *
Last Friday, Ava & I were at our usual spot...
Old Navy
Where we happened to run into Nicole & Whitney !
These two girls don't get to see each other very often, at all, but they played in the store like they had seen each other daily! So sweet!
*P.S. Yes, they were allowed to play in the store - between me & Nicole, I'm pretty sure we pay all of their salaries just the two of us :)!!*
I was also tagged by Sarah to provide you all with a little more Randomness... this time I think I'll 'theme-it-up' a little bit...
7 Random Injuries I've Incurred
1. When I was not even 4 years old, we were over at Sissy (my Aunt's) house to help her move. I can distinctly remember trying to pick up a section of one of those concrete benches - trying to do my part. Apparently I dropped it on my foot. That toenail has never looked the same, LOL!!!
2. In 5th grade, we had 'Water Day' at school. I was going down one of the Slip-N-Slide's (which were positioned going down a hill, mind you) and hit a 'lump' of grass with my hand. When I stood up - my left ring finger was all up underneath my pinkie. Talk about broken!
3. On a family trip to Kansas, to visit some Cousins, we were all out playing on this massive fort in their backyard. Everyone was racing to get to the top of it & when I jumped onto it, one leg made it & the other one didn't! I sliced my knee open on the corner of the wood - all I could see was white when I looked at it! No stitches, mind you - just slap a band-aid on it & be done with it!
4. My parent's old house had heavy storm windows in my & my sister's rooms. I went to close one of them (having to hold the window up while removing the stick propping it up) and when I walked away, my hand didn't come with me!!! I had shut the window on my thumb! Luckily, I went to the ER this time & they sewed it back on - another nail that has never looked the same...
5. While in P.E. one day in Jr. High, us girls decided it would be quite fun to jump off the track mats which were stacked to the ceiling (which it was)! After one of my jumps, my friends were trying to help me up out of the 'landing zone' & I can remember smacking my head into Kristina's as I was coming up. Thinking nothing of it, I went out to the track to warm up.... that's when the girls behind me started freaking out at the blood running out of my head, haha!! I had to wear my hair parted in the back - clipped open - for like a week so the staples wouldn't get tangled!! Em.barassing!
6. If you haven't heard - I'm not really allowed around sharp objects. I sliced - oh yes, sliced - my hand open, not once, but twice on soup cans. Both times I could see the blackness coming for me, but managed to keep it together! Needless to say, I invested in a safety can opener - and let others do the cutting with the big knives, you know - just in case...
7. One Sunday afternoon while hanging out on Mimi's back porch, it was decided they should let me shoot a BB gun at some coke cans. No prob, I knew what I was doing... yeah - right! I went to 'pump' the gun to shoot again & little did I know I was doing it wrong - the little 'guide' thingy on the end of the gun smacked me in my forehead!!! I immediately questioned "Did it leave a mark?! Is there a bump or anything?!" To which they all replied "Oh, no - you're fine!"
Ugh-hmm... how embarrassed would you be walking into Worship Services with a golf-ball sized knot coming out of your forehead?!?! Next time, I'll bring my own mirror!
Oh, memories....
This list was also my Graduation speech given by my Mom (and added to by D) at the Senior Banquet.
Thanks y'all... thanks....
I had been missing a new post and this was GREAT! Love it! And love going down accident memory lane! love you!! hahah
I have to agree with Ninner! Whitney and Ava did look really cute!!
ReplyDeleteThose are hilarious!
ReplyDeleteOMG! I don't think I could list 1 item, must less 7!! Knock on wood, I've never broken a bone or had to get stitches (or staples)! Girl, you need a bubble around you!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG! I don't think I could list 1 item, must less 7!! Knock on wood, I've never broken a bone or had to get stitches (or staples)! Girl, you need a bubble around you!!!