Photog for Hire

For Ava's Birthday, PopPop & Gigi got her her very own digital camera!! It is beyond cute & pink to boot & needless to say she hasn't put it down since she got it! I finally downloaded the pictures off of it & the grand total that she has taken so far: 528.
Oh yes.
She is an aspiring photog fo sho (I know you're so proud, Misty!).
She has quite the photographic eye - lots of pics of bedspreads, air vents, her feet...
here's a few of my favorites...

Emily at Ava's B-Day Party, right after she opened her camera

her friend, Kinley :)

Papa T.P.
(Ava shot this one while she was riding a horse!)

Her first attempt at a self-portrait.
Viking hat's are all the rage, dontcha know.

Attempt Numero Dos at a self-portrait.

Daddy's glasses & 'ton-kiss' (aka contacts)


Trying to get a shot of the fishie, Bubbles, she got for her BDay
(Thanks Torasa!!)
She names them all Bubbles...

Apparantly, she loves shoes. This was one of four pics she took of my shoes.
Who can really blame her?

Her hand

Daddy drinking water
(while more than likely watching basketball)

Her slide


Loves. Shoes. Especially pink ones.

I snapped this one of her with her camera.
I couldn't do a post without a pic of her :)
When she wants to take your picture, her instructions are:
"Okay, now say 'Best of Both Worlds, Ppssshh!'"
and requests that you pose as she is doing in this pic.
This fabulous, hip, new photographer is in high demand - better reserve your session ASAP :)


  1. High marks for this photographer's skill! 528 must be some kind of record for a 3 year old...

  2. Isn't it fun to see what they take pictures of?? Kylie has a digital camera (I am afraid to will probably crash my computer it has been so long) and the boys have an old camera that doesn't work anymore but are constantly saying..."say cheeseburger please".

  3. I LOVE IT!!! Love the self portrait in the mirror, now that is a smart girl!


  5. Way to go Miss Ava!! :) Luke and Jake both love to take pictues with my camera and they don't always catch my "good" side...for example, I was bending down picking up some cards off the floor and they took a picture of my big booty! The one of her pink croc looks like something that could be considered "art" and hung in a photo gallery somewhere! :)

  6. I agree with Sarah, the pink shoe is ART. Sissy also says "Good Job Ava!" She's already thinking of scheduling a session! love love love

  7. I also like the hand. AND that one of Papa looks like a professional!

  8. YES, I am very proud!! Maybe her and Madilyn can be partners! Madi just got the same camera (but green, they were out of pink). I put the sd card in yesterday and by last night she had over 700 images!! She LOVES it! Although, she is now grounded from taking pics in the car b/c she scared me to death last night. She was clicking away with the flash on & I thought it was flashing lights pulling me over.. phew! Fun times! We'll have to set up a session for them to take each other's pics :) Madi's pretty reasonably priced!

  9. great job little bit!!! so when can you schedule me in!!? :) love torasa


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