Sum, Sum, Summer, Summer-time


Storms popping up in the middle of the day, then disappearing just as quickly as they came.
Zebra Cakes & IBC Black Cherry Cola.
Sleeping 'til whenever & watching T.V. while eating breakfast (yes, I know that's everyday around here...)
Tank tops & flip flops.
The Washing Machine & Marco Polo.
The smell of freshly cut grass.
Banana Sno Cones.
Evenings on the front porch - before the mosquito's hit, of course.
Bomb Pops after a round of swimming.
Slush Puppies with Twizzler Straws.
Slippin' Slides.
'Wings' in my hair when the humidity rears it's head.
Pizza on the grill.
Well, really any & everything on the grill.
A freezer full of Ice Cream & Popsicles.
Pasta Salad.
Looking at the clouds while lying in the freshly cut grass.
Sidewalk Chalk + Rocks = Hopscotch
Of course, a 'Theme Song' - preferably a cheesy one.
Ahh...summertime... we are so. ready.


  1. Oh, and ps...yes shopping soon. After this first summer term I'll be free and ready to do some damage in the stores!!!:)

  2. all sounds good!! amen and bring it on!~toasa

  3. Another Sweet Picture thank you my day is great!

  4. Yes.. we're SO ready for summer too! We're starting it off when we leave for the beach tomorrow! Have fun & enjoy it all :)

  5. Banana Sno Cones??? Explain those please:)


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