Halloween {2009}
Does anyone remember what they were doing in August??
Soaking up the last days of Summer...
Getting ready for school to start back...
Ordering Halloween costumes...
What's that?!
I'm the only person you know who gets her daughters Halloween costume in August?!
I just couldn't help myself... I had. to. have. it.
You see, we didn't tell Ava's name while I was pregnant with her, we simply referred to her as 'Little Pig' {which explains her Piggy collection & healthy obsession with pink}.
So when I found this costume, I ordered it immediately!!!!
She llloooovveeeddd it, too!!
The weekend before Halloween, we co-hosted a Halloween Party with the other Mathis' for the folks we attend church with!
It was a hit!
Lots of good food, candy, games, hayrides, & most importantly fellowship with some wonderful friends!
Here are Ava, Matt & Emily before the party - aka: a Piggy, Batman, & a Zombie.
Corenne, Molly, & Ava - triple trouble to say the least :)
Yes, that's what Ava does when you tell her 'Open your eyes!' when you're trying to take a pic - ha!
These girls are so sweet together!!
These girls are so sweet together!!
Here are all of the kiddo's that made it out for the party! They played Candy Corn Toss, 3-Legged Race, busted a Pinata, & even went 'Trick-or-Treating'!
Here are Ava, Corenne, & Molly on the Haunted Hayride!
Have I mentioned how much my child loves Halloween??
She does - seriously.
There's not a thing about Halloween that scares her - not even the Haunted Hayride - she loved it!
The week before October 31st, Ava came down with a little something & had to miss her class field trip to 'Trick-or-Treat' :(
What did she come down with you ask??
So, she only got to 'Trick-or-Treat' at a few choice places as to not spread her germies :)
Here's her loot from us!
Since she was a piggy, she got all pink candy & gum, an Olivia DVD {Olivia is a cartoon pig & has her own show for those of you not in the under 6 crowd}, a pink Piggy shaped gel pack {for boo-boo's & such} & last but not least a book. Not just any book, mind you, she got...
Isn't that just the cutest thing you've ever heard of?!
There's even a picture in the book of a little girl in a costume just like Ava's!
Since we couldn't drive up to Ninner & Papa's to 'ToT' {just made that up}, she sent Ava a large tub of pink Cotton Candy!!
Thanks, Ninner & Papa T.P.!
And so the 'ToTing' begins...
First stop was to Sodie & Erma's {Dusty's grandparents} house!
They greeted her at the door & shoved as much candy in her bag as they could, haha!
Ava & Sodie
Ava & Erma
After our first stop, we continued to trek on over to Mimi & PawPaw's house!
She has gotten really good at ringing the doorbell, waiting patiently & saying 'Trick or Treat!' when it's time!!
I was quite impressed.
Now, most people wouldn't take a picture of their child eating fast food for dinner, but this was a landmark moment...
Ava's first Corndog!!
Woo-hoo for Sonic & their 50cent Corndogs on Halloween!
We {heart} Sonic!
PawPaw, Ava, & Mimi with her tote bag of goodies!
We had just one more stop to make over at PopPop & Gigi's house...
When we pulled up, PopPop just came on outside to get Ava & I had to remind him that she was 'Trick-or-Treating!' - so go back inside & let her ring the doorbell - HA!
Opening her loot from Pop & Gig!
She has her arm around Gigi's neck in this picture, that's why Gig's hand is up there :)
And finally...
...a pic of the three of us!
We are so in love with our 'Little Pig'!
Luckily, Ava was sickness free by the following Tuesday & got to attend Pumpkin Palooza at her Daddy's work!!
She is putting beads on a necklace in this picture - of course, she only used pink & purple beads.
This game was so cute!
They tossed rings on the deer's antlers & won a prize if they got one on there!
Ava picked out a new duck call - YAY {only a slight bit of sarcasm detected...those things are SO LOUD!}
However, the workers of the booth were quite impressed with her mad duck calling skills...
She fished a cute little fishie out of this booth!
Ava also participated in an old-fashioned Cake Walk!
She won on her 2nd round & picked out some Pumpkin shaped cookies - they were YUM!
{sigh}...if only Dusty's eyes were open, this would've been a great pic, haha!
We had a wonderful time at the Palooza this year - the games were a lot of fun, the lemonade was delish & we got to visit with friends!
Hope everyone else had a wonderful Halloween, too!
A great chronicle of her favorite holiday...so far!! Perfect piggy!
Oh, I just saw the piggy tail, how cute is that of course, everything she and her mother does is cute!!