randoms. three to be exact.

1. in desperate need of fresh air and water - i took my {new electric purple} kayak out on the 'lake' by where i live. i use the term 'lake' loosely. disgustingly gross brown murkiness with stumps every foot and a half is more like it - but it hit the spot none-the-less.

2. a lady at a restaurant whispered the following earlier: 'your little girl is so beautiful, don't get me wrong - but that boy! oh, that boy!!' i just smiled. because its true. 7 months and he's already a charmer. I've given up all hope. he grins or laughs or cuts his eyes and I melt. completely.

3. my sweet baby girl hit a milestone just a little bit ago. she came in telling me her belly hurt - i thought she was just saying it so she could watch aladdin with me. she got her a blanket and almost got on the couch when it happened.... puke. everywhere. mainly on ME. but then everywhere. {except the couch! winning.} THREE times. everywhere. she is resting comfortably now, probably thanking the Lord for her ONE parent who handles disgusting situations so well. bless her sweet heart.

- Posted using BlogPress from april's iPhone


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