first timer. right here.

all the bloggers are doing it. you should too.

i've gone five whole days without wearing heels. i've had a few people legitimately ask if i was sick. somedays the tom-boy in me just takes over and it's nothing but ripped jeans and t-shirts and flip flops and baseball caps for a week. and this week i was perfectly content to let her hang around.


after a two-year hiatus from extracurricular activities, my sweet little tutu has signed up for cheerleading this fall. and two practices into it - it. is. intense. !!! there will be quite a bit of discipline and responsibility for her, but judging by the smile on her face - she's totes got this. she's also got her mama's rhythm, so that's a WIN.

i am waiting anxiously for my new erin condren planner to come to my doorstep! i have tried and tried to keep all of our schedules and events organized in my phone, but who am i kidding. if i don't actually write it down, it ain't gettin' done. i am seriously on pins. and. needles. it's like the ultimate-cracked-out-back-to-school supply for grown ups. p u m p e d.


i now officially have a two-year-old. and he is pure joy, i tell you. he's loud and breaks stuff and is always looking to get dirty and is never still for longer than .35 seconds. but that boy loves his momma incredibly so. and he can charm his way out of almost everything he gets himself into.

this weekend's only mission is to have as many banana sno-cone's as possible. let the games begin.


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