when the cat's away.

saturday is game day - OF COURSE.
we grabbed us some breakfast at eight mile {biscuits for the win!} and then headed to the early morning game.
my girl can c h e e r. in case you haven't heard. i absolutely l o v e watching her do her thing!

cheering for the eagles in the morning and the hogs in the afternoon is the norm around here.
but we had a few more boys to cheer on this saturday, too.

oh yes, their dad is totes into getting electrocuted and swimming in a pool of ice for fun.

we were so pumped to hear the bowtie boys all made it through in one piece.
seriously - they're all pretty old. 
and obviously pretty awesome. duh.

after the game, all tutu could talk about was chinese food.

and that is how i got my kids addicted to lettuce wraps.
yes, she actually uses chopsticks. she's multi-talented.

next stop of the day was the zoo!
ashes got us a membership for christmas last year and the kids and i have used it at least once a month and aren't the least bit tired of it yet. such a wonderful gift!
little did we know, it was zoo members appreciation day.
free snacks and carousel rides are the coolest.

something tells me i've seen that face somewhere before, dubs.

all tu talked about on the drive down was how she wanted to feed the parrots and have one sit on her shoulder.
obviously i've let her watch pirates of the caribbean one too many times.

oh, she was so excited to have them feed out of that little cup the workers gave her!
(ps. yes, i know it's not a parrot. it's beak isn't near big enough to be toucan sam.)

we got home just in time to watch the hogs give me hope and then rip it away.

i don't even want to talk about it right now.....

as to be expected when i'm in charge - we had this for dinner:

i had some extremely H A P P Y kiddo's on my hands, let me tell ya.
we snuggled up and watched a movie until they fell asleep on me.
being their mom is my most favorite thing ever.
and i'm pretty sure they're kind of fond of me too.


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