Ava's 1st ER Visit

Well, Ava had her first trip to the ER early this morning about 1am. She had been coughing a little bit all day & had run a fever earlier in the week, I just chalked it up to the weather (duh). It all went down a little after midnight, Dusty heard her in there just coughing & coughing (I didn't even hear her). So he woke me up & when I heard how she sounded I went in to check on her. She was wheezing & coughing & couldn't catch her breath. Then she started shaking all over & just would not calm down. We threw on some shoes & put her in the car & headed to the Hospital (mind you, we made it in like 7 minutes - & I was not driving :) When we got there they took her back immediately & the Dr.'s were practically waiting in the room for us. They said it was Croupe (a viral infection in her throat) & gave her 2 breathing treatments & a steroid shot. She sounded so much better after just the 1st treatment, so I was glad we went ahead & took her in right then. They let us go around 3am & we came back home. Ava & I slept in the recliner, but didn't fall asleep for awhile. We ended up napping from noon until 4pm this afternoon. To say the least, it was an ordeal! But she has sounded fine today, only a little cough here & there, but nothing too bad! Such a trooper that girl!


  1. So happy that Ava is better.

  2. Boy, I know how you feel about the whole croup thing..It is scary!! Glad she is feeling better!!

    ps. I hope you know Im kidding about the socks and sandles! I'm really not that big of a dork! But I could start a new fashion trend!!!!

  3. oh i hope that was her LAST e.r visit!!

    love you!

  4. That sounds just like Hayden's E.R. visit last winter! He woke up the same way and it ended up being croupe, too. I know it was scary, but I'm glad Ava's feeling better!

  5. Ninner looooooved ALL THE PICTURES OF AVAE.


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