Countin' Down the Days
When my sister & I were little, we would always get one (okay, two-since we each needed our own) of those little "Advent" calendar's - where you open up one door a day until Christmas -and each door has a different treat behind it. I loved getting to open up that little door and see what my treat would be fore the day! The thought crossed my mind several weeks ago that Ava needed one, too, but of course, I never got around to getting it.
Well, apparently, Gigi remembered how big of a hit it was with me & Ashes - & came to the rescue to get Ava her very own...

My Little Pony style, no less!
Here's some of the loot she's gotten so far...

Now if only I can convince her to stop calling the pony's "donkey's"....
And for the record...we do not celebrate the real "Advent"....just the Open-Up-A-Treat-Everyday kind :)
I love tradition and that Ava is enjoying the everyday gifts! (I knew you would enjoy it, Lizzie B!)