Ice, Ice, Baby... {UPDATED}

~{UPDATED #2}~
We managed to get to town & back this afternoon! Our roads are still one thick layer of ice, but the main road is drivable (not suitable for my driving skills, mind you, but for others....).
On our way to Wal-Mart (because, come on, where else would you go in weather like this?!) the main overpass that crosses the highway was at a standstill. When we got closer to it, we found out why - the 18 Wheelers were all waiting patiently as each truck went across the bridge, one at a time. As we went under, the truck that was on the bridge started to slide & I seriously thought it was about to jack-knife, but he regained control & made it to the other side safely! I couldn't help but feel awful for all of those truckers - you know they hated having to hold everyone up (and I'm talking, like probably back to the 1st exit - this was all happening at the 4th) but they were being so cautious as to not get anyone into any accidents.
I also just wanted to clear the air and admit to the fact that, yes, I indeed went to Wal-Mart in my "house clothes" and no make-up.
Just in case you hear that rumor & think to yourself "Oh my goodness, there's no way she would ever do that! It must have been someone else - maybe you need glasses or something?!" I wasn't about to get all gussied up for a snow-day at Wal-Mart. And, of course, thinking that I wouldn't run into anyone that I knew - I ran into my parents & several people from if you saw me there and I just said "Hi!" from a distance & scurried away, now you know why ;)
This is what I woke up to this morning! See our road?! It is completely covered with ice! Seriously, Winter Weather...perfect timing...let's all hope I can get outta this house in time to finish my Christmas shopping!!

...Dum dum dum dum du-du-dum-dum...

Current conditions outside at my house...

Um, yeah ... that's not salt....that's ICE!! It started up about an hour ago & is still going strong!!

Look at the icicles on Ava's Playhouse!!

Needless to say, we'll be staying inside today!
I feel some made-from-scratch hot chocolate coming on....


  1. I sure hope you have some marshmellows for AvaE! Enjoy your "snow day".

  2. We've already made snow day cookies over here as well. Enjoy the snow day and don't get out driving in this mess!

  3. Hope y'all are enjoying this weather! Looks like we'll be here cooped up again tomorrow! Send some hot chocolate this way, yummmm!!

  4. uummm...yeah...I'm already tired of it!! I can't stand not being able to DRIVE if I want too!!!

  5. Yup, Greg took me out to Kroger AND to Walmart, and I too went out in a pj top and jeans, no makeup, nothing, and ran into church people too! OF COURSE!!! Glad y'all made it out as well!

  6. I'm glad this is all over too! It's nice for a bit, but I think we all get a little touch of cabin fever! Ha, that's how I look every time I go to Wal-Mart.. glad someone else is with me! Your road does look pretty bad in the pic. Our driveway is up a hill, curvy and almost a mile long.. so, you can imagine what ours looked like! It was a solid sheet of ice until yesterday! We had to drive the 4-wheeler down to the bottom just incase we couldn't make it back up!


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