Breaking Weather Alert

**News Fa-lash** to dear ole' "Mother Nature" out there -


I'm beyond over this whole 27 degrees one day 75 the next - o.v.e.r. it.

It tires me to no end to have to look up the weather daily just to see what attire I should dress me & little Tutu in - not to mention it really does a number on my hair.
Yesterday, this is what I saw when I went out to check the mail...

(Insert heavy sigh here)
I usually look forward to at least one good snow (or ice) sometime in January. I enjoy breaking out the 4-Wheeler to do a little sledding on a piece of plywood. I don't mind having to put on damp gloves, 3 layers of clothing, & large water-proof boots to go back outside after a Hot Chocolate break, even.
I do, however, mind the fact that the next day - it will be 75 degrees outside. 75 degrees is definitely not sledding weather. It's a lovely temperature, mind you, but not for sledding. It's more suited for play dates at the playground, hand-washing the car, or having a picnic in the park.
So, "Mother Nature" - would ya just pick a season already?!
Try to make it last more than 48 hours...


  1. Hahahaha. I was just complaining about this today. I'm sick of it.

    It does a huge number on my hair too!

  2. Totally agree!! Couldn't have said it better myself :) Hope y'all are doing well!

  3. i agree babe! ~torasa

  4. I appreciate the weather report, but really rather see daily "tutu" pictures!!! She's cuter than the weather!


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