For the Record : I {dislike} Cold Blooded Creatures

This past Friday - we did the Playgroup thing at the Museum of Discovery! This is becoming one of our favorite places to go - Ava loves it!

That's Ava & Julieanne playing in the kitchen area - little chef's in training!

All the kids in the boat - they played for quite a while in this area! That black cannon-looking thing blows air up & balances those little balls in the air - they couldn't get enough of it!

Here are Ava, Ethan, & Blake selling fish at the market. That's Jessica there on the left, paying for her goods. She got a good deal - 2 fish for $2. However, the price did increase to $5 the next time she visited. Smart kids, I tell ya....

Here are Ava & the boys in the boat, playing puzzles.
I just cannot get over how well they all play together!!

So, after we played for awhile, we decided to walk through the rest of the Museum. The theme this time was "Cold Blooded Creatures."
If you have a fear of these "Cold Blooded Creatures", I urge you to look away - look away now!!

Here's Ava posing with a Tarantula . Only after this picture was taken, was I informed that these things can jump, hiss, & spit at you!!
I know what you're all thinking "What kind of Mother let's her child get that close to such a creepy, crawly, spitting animal?!?!"
Let me repeat - I was informed after she was this close to it!!!
Good grief - you'd think they'd have some large, neon orange, warning sign posted somewhere for goodness sake!!!

Oh yes, the Boa Constrictor . As I am typing this, I'm reminded of the Shel Silverstein poem "Boa Constrictor." However, I did not recall this poem when I actually saw this snake.
I was focused on locating all emergency exits.
The boy (yes, boy - 15 years old - I asked) who was the caretaker informed us that we had "nothing to worry about - he had just eaten a full grown rabbit four days ago."
Thanks kid, that really put me at ease.

My face just sums it all up.
You should go over to Jessica's blog to see what she did. I almost threw knees were going weak & my stomach was beginning to turn.
I will say in her defense, that this kid was literally like "Could you help me for a sec?? Hold my snake. Thanks." That's all the warning she got.
I almost dropped the end of my snake. I was terrified. Ava would not go near any of them. I don't blame her one bit. I will never again, rest assured. Ewww....still getting the creeps just thinking about it....
After a thorough washing of the hands, we had a little lunch at the River Market & of course, squeezed in some shopping!
Oh - I do like Turtles - not the snapping kind, but the slow, leafy greens eating kind. Other than that - I strongly {dislike} cold blooded creatures... just for future reference ;)


  1. This post has been removed by the author.

  2. Ok lets try this again...I have chills from looking at that monster of a spider!! I'm gonna have bad dreams now April...THANKS!! Next time you guys go there give me a buzz. I've been wanting to take the kids. But NOT on spider day!! =)

  3. I think I screamed out loud when I saw you holding that snake!

    Looks like a fun day though, but I'm with you on the whole cold blooded creatures thing

  4. Ugh. Just looking at this gives me haunted flashbacks!! What were we thinking??? Thanks for the great memories. :)

  5. Ewww!! I'm with you! The only spiders & snakes I care to see are dead ones! Yes, a little graphic.. but, I can't stand them either! Glad y'all had a fun day :)

  6. Well, I am simply SHOCKED! I didn't hear you screaming that day (And I mean while I was at work a few blocks away!)

  7. Okay April..... FYI..... another snake charmer scene will get you one vote to be ousted from the family !!LOL WHAT WERE YOU THINKING ????


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