Ava's Easter Dress

Last week when Dusty was in Chicago, he called one night & said "What size does Ava wear?" So I told him (he usually gets her a t-shirt from wherever he goes-with sayings like "Alcatraz Psycho Ward Outpatient", ha!). He was actually at Macy's looking at dresses of all things! So, the Easter Dress that I bought her A YEAR AGO is still hanging in the closet with the tags on it (don't worry, it'll soon be on E-Bay). We haven't gotten that many compliments on a dress she's worn to church in quite awhile! Unfortunately, she spilled her lunch all over it yesterday before I could snap a pic of her in it. SO, we will re-create the scene & get a good pic of her wearing the dress her Daddy bought her for Easter & I'll post it soon!


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