Let the Celebrations Begin...

Last Monday, Ava & I headed to see Santa Clause!! This is the FIRST time she's done this - I'm too cheap to pay the $20 for a picture at the mall!
I talked all morning about how much fun it would be to see Santa and tell him what she wanted for Christmas - her response to most everything I said was "No...I'm fine, thanks" or "I already have toys in my playroom..." - haha!! The whole way there she kept saying "No, I not want to see Santa Clause..." so I was already preparing for the worst. Usually she gets very shy and clings to me or Dusty when she's in an unfamiliar situation or with people she doesn't know well. So I just kind of eased her inside, hoping she wouldn't have a meltdown. I must say I was quite taken aback when we walked in, took her coat off & she just went right up to Santa & sat in his lap - she was so excited! That's right - no line, no other screaming children, no $20 fee, and meltdown averted - this Santa visit was perfect! She told him that she wanted a baby doll, baby doll clothes, a pink gun, toys, and candy. She got to visit with him uninterrupted and without being hurried along - it was wonderful! He gave her a small stocking with some candy and small toys & then told her to get a cookie and some cider before she left. Of course, she went straight to the cookies and picked out a red one. On our way out the door she hollered back to him "HO, HO, HO, Santa Clause, Merry Christmas, Thanks you!!" It was so sweet!! Needless to say, this is how we will do our visit to Santa Clause from here on out :)!

After our visit with SC, we went to have lunch with a boy that is very special to us - Chris - and his Mom, Nina! Both kids ate all of their meals at Chik-Fil-A and then exchanged gifts for each other. I even let Tutu go into the "play area" with Chris (yes, Lori Beth, you read that correctly :) - only for a few minutes, though! Of course, no trip to Chik-Fil-A would be complete without ice cream, so they each got a cup before we left :)
*Thank you so much Chris & Nina! We had a great time & Ava loves her puzzle!!*


  1. I'm impressed.. Brady sat on Santa's lap for 2 seconds and wouldn't talk to him, look at the camera.. nothing! As we left, he realized he didn't tell Santa what he wanted.. so he yelled it from the door all the way across the room, "I want a truck, trailer, 4-wheeler & football, bye Santa". That was good enough for him. She is AdORabLE, love the outfit :) I hope she had as much fun as my kiddos opening all of her presents!


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